February 25, 2008

Compliments on Children's Programming

Dear Mrs. Sutton,
We are writing to tell you how much we enjoyed each and every one of the "Concerts in the Courtyard." My 10-year-old son, Matthew, sat in the front row and was captivated by the talent he saw- and sitting still is not something he does often.

We also enjoyed "Terrific Thursdays", "Potter Pandemonium", "Bats", and "Stories for a Summer Night." You and your staff must have put so much time and energy into these programs. Surely, we're not the only ones who appreciate that so much!
Thank you!

Pam Waigand
Matthew Waigand
Castle Shannon PA

From a Young Fan

I love this library!
Alex Weidenhof
Mt. Lebanon PA

Location Important

The Mt. Lebanon location is very important to us. I would be lost without it. Your staff is wonderful. They are important to the community.
Richard G. Stoeckle
Pittsburgh PA