May 14, 2009

Lifelong Learners

When I was teaching,one of the benchmarks in our instructional plan was to enable our students to envision themselves as life long learners. Taking this to heart, I resolved that I would spend some part of my retirement taking courses & workshops at The Mt. Lebanon Library. What a joy it has been to study WWI., the life of Winston Churchill. the period between WWI & WWII, the genocide in Rwanda & the "lost boys", the poetry of Dr. Sam Hazo, & the life of Abraham Lincoln in the year of the bicentennial of his birth. I have become aware through other programs of how to use my digital camera & to make compost to improve our environment. Additionally, the library has had a wide range of activities to secure a more "green" habitat in our community. Together with so many diverse book clubs at the library, the citizens of Mt. Lebanon are so blessed in our library that makes us into our own "think tank." Also, the library has been enabled to find for us so many superb teachers that we would have been hard pressed to find ourselves.


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